Smart design can mean different things to different projects, but it's always about thinking clearly about the imact design can have on the site, the environment, and - just as importantly - the users. It is integral to Passive House and Net Zero design stategies and to high performance building, but is really about getting to the essence of building better.

  • Back to Basics

    While today's technology provides opportunity to include automation, communications, technically advanced materials and lots of 'add-ons' (energy conscious or not) the most effective way you can reduce your impact on the earth is to get the basics right - that is a highly insulated and air-tight building envelope. Super insulation is great but CONTINUOUS insulation is key, including the basement floor slab where 30% of your building's heat can be lost. Prevention of leaks and drafts means you are not heating the outdoors, which is already heating up too fast!

  • Natural Light

    Sunlight is the essence of life, the key to our mental health, bringing warmth and beauty to our environment, and best of all - it's free! Using the sun to light spaces reduces our energy consumption and costs. The key is to carefully consider orientation and the seasonal path of the sun, and to control sunlight by shading, diffusing and directing its rays. The use of natural light and energy from the sun can enhance your space significantly while reducing your impact on the environment.

  • Fresh Air

    An air-tight space should not mean a stuffy space. Air quality must be considered on 2 levels: exhaust of stale air and intake of fresh air, while avoiding materials and substances that will 'off-gas'. Fresh air intake can be naturally conditioned either mechanically or passively drawing heat from exhaust air (or from the earth) - and reversing the process in the hot months.

  • Space Efficiency

    Efficient design of space is about being able to use and appreciate every bit of space you inhabit. Wasted space is wasted resources, wasted effort and wasted cash. Efficient space flows effortlessly from one room to the next and feels right. Efficient space is uncluttered and spacious without being oversized.

  • A Place for Everything

    Well organized, clutter free space is make easy when design takes your personal needs into consideration. Whether you prefer to live as a minimalist or a collector, your stuff belongs with you in your space and should have its own place. From artful displays to discrete hideways everything should fit neatly into your lifestyle.

  • Green Extras

    Once the basics have been well thought out and energy needs reduced to a minimum, it may be possible to include some 'add-ons' that bring you to the cutting edge of green design - towards NET ZERO. These could include solar photovoltaic energy (electricity), solar thermal energy (hot water) geothermal energy, green roof, greywater system, rain barrels, occupancy sensors, earth tubes for tempered fresh air and more.